Monday, August 24, 2009

USA tax money

Since the fall of our economy and the wild waste of our tax paying dollars, its been appearent to me that our counrty seems to be to focused on putting a bandaid on the situations that are arising here in the USA instead of actually fixing the problems. It seems to me that politicians are to worried about the money they put in their pockets instead of looking to help the people that elected them into office in the first place. I was thinking this morning as I was reading an article on how our fedral income tax is unconstitutional anyways, but I thought to myself; why not focus on paying off the national debt in a way that is practical and eleviate the problems we are facing once and for all (not a temporary fix). Although I most likely don't see all the issues that our politicians are seeing and I'm sure the president knows more about the details than I do, why not allow the 303,824,640 americans have a break from their bills for one year and pay into one account (we could call it the "America Out of Debt Account 2009"). With a deficit of 1.84 trillion dollars, the amount every american would have to pay would be approximately $6056.13. The government could give tax payers the option of paying that off all at once or over the course of a year by working with our credit companies who hold our debts and allowing us to take off a certain amount of money from our payments. Such as my house payment ($728) or my car payments (approx. $85o). With just those three bills my wife and I would be able to pay off our $6056.13 in 6 months. Allow every american to do that and our country would be out of debt in a year!
I know this sounds crazy but I have to pay taxes anyways, and the government is already flushing our money down the toilet, so instead of charging me 23% intrest off my paycheck to go to various different "projects" the country has, let me put it all to one place I KNOW will have a possitive effect! I'm tired of other people wasting MY money!

With our nations debt paid off our country would be able to once again move forward as a whole. We could actually lower the fedral tax rate which would give people the oportunity to put money back into the economy. Finally, I could actually trust that my social security would be there for my self and that my children will have a clean slate to live lives fully and without the political bull shit that we are being weighed down by today.

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